Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lean on ME

Daily Reading: Genesis 2:18-24

So many people in this world believe they can do everything themselves. Many people try to do it all. They go to work, keep their homes cleaned, raise children, balance their budgets, are active in their communities and children's schools, go to church and in all of this they do it on their own never asking anyone else for help. Further still we take on more duties than we can typically handle. Through idealization we believe that we are supposed to do it all on our own.

As a teenager and young woman my favorite passage in the bible was The Wife of Noble Character (Proverbs 31:10-31). I thought not only that I could do it all, I thought I was supposed to do it all. It never occured to me that if I did it all I wasn't allowing room to rely on anyone else.

God never meant for us to be alone. We are meant to have a mate and share our responsibilities with our mate. Even when we are single we are still not expected to do it all. The bible says we are to care for our widows and orphans. An orphan was considered to be anyone who did not have both parents.

Our world has changed greatly in the past 2000 years when it comes to families but the fact remains that if we need help we need to ask for it. We can not hint about our needs because no one can read our minds as much as we would like for them to. We need to find humility when we can't get past an obstacle and ask others for help.

Further still we need to rely on GOD to help us. GOD never gives us more than we can handle but he can not prevent us from agreeing to take on too much. We need to pray about everything before saying we will do each task. If we do not feel that GOD is giving us a green light we need to wait for the light to turn green. If the light doesn't turn green and we are being pushed for an answer then we have to bow out gracefully because GOD is saying NO.

Genesis 2:18 The LORD, GOD said "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Need More? Visit Matthew 11:25-30

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