Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't be a Job wife

Daily Reading: Job 1-2

As I read the first two chapters of Job I realized that when Job's children and possessions were taken from him Job's wife was spared. Was this because two become one? OR Was it because satan used Job's wife to tempt Job to sin against GOD.

We don't know her name or very little about her. What we do know is his wife said "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse GOD and die!"

We do not always stand on our faith. Sometimes we become weak and believe that our ending a trial will be better for us than riding out the storms that GOD has given us. Yet when we end the trial by our own doing we take a chance of losing the lesson that GOD felt was important for us to learn. In not learning that lesson we take a chance lost the lesson that prepares us for the next storm we face.

GOD meant for us to find that one special partner in life to cling to, to become one with, to be so close to that to be separated from them is painful. Unfortunately we do not always wait for the spouse that GOD wants us to have. We do what we want and don't listen to GOD. It never works out to our benefit and we eventually regret our decisions.

Even though Job was a Godly man his wife does not seem to share that faith in GOD. Though we depend on our spouses to support us in the hardest of times we must learn to do as Job did "You are talking like a foolish (meaning:morally deficient) woman. Shall we accept good from GOD, and not trouble?"

Stand strong with your spouse in all matters. God has blessed your union and he will bless your life, even through the storms you face. The storms never seem as rough when you carry the burden together.

Daily verse: Job 2:10 He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from GOD, and not trouble?" In all this, Job did not sin in what he said. (NIV)

Need More? Visit Ecclesiastes 9

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